Roxburgh Redfin on Slim Minnows. Alan ventured out to Roxburgh park hoping between small dams in search redfin. Using his new Savage Gear 1DFR rod and the newly release Slim minnows. Alan managed to catch 8 redfin between 25 and 35cms. The biggest was just a tad over 35cms. The stand out lure was the Savage Slim minnow in UV chicken. Bright greens and reds are hard to beat when targeting redfin. Didn’t find the big ones but had lots of fun testing some new gear. Must say the new 1DFR rod series ( as shown in pic below ) look and feel amazing. There very light yet very stiff for a 1-4 kilo rod which is great. Often the ultra light rods have to much flex. The slim minnows too are brilliant for all bread and butter species. They come in a cool range of colours. Redfin, EP’s, Bream, Flathead, trout pinkies and more so make sure you check them out.